Vision and Mission

Our Vision

  • The provision of equality can be materialized by providing the poor girls free access in to the field of Higher Education.
  • To develop capacity building, problem solving capacity through devlopmemt of inner potentialities of girl students.
  • Hopes to develop the Art of living through discipline, austerity and self sufficiency among the poor uneducated girls of SC and ST and minority community.
  • To dispel darkness and make them tuned up with the changing scenario of society through research and innovation.
  • Helps to develop the sense of ideal citizenship among the girl students.
  • To acquaint the poor girls about the wider dimension of Higher Education and to build a sense of self confidence.
  • Devlopment of constructive outlooks and innovative thought.
  • To Develop the sense of Responsibility and accountability towards society and Nation.


Our Mission

  • Special drive is being maintained for the poor, down trodden and insufficient girl students to bring them into the main stream of society through quality Education and empowerment.
  • Acts to increase their level of educational potentialities through proper education and insight.
  • To provide them proper platform to flourish their inner talents.
  • It hopes to make them adaptive with the changing scenario through quality education
  • To reduce the margin of illiteracy specially among the economically and socially backward girl students.
  • Special focus is being given to develop the capacity building, problem solving ability, leadership quality and increase of moral, ethical and social values among the girl students.
  • To make them acquainted with the social and cultural heritage of the society.
  • Building of eco friendly campus and environment caring society.
  • To enable them for undertaking new research and innovative activities through installing new techniques and adopting new methods.